He goes up to a woman and says he need to get a signature for "Bill the Cosby," then does an impression of Cosby. In the Season 3 episode "Snow Way Out", Murr has to get a signature for a made-up holiday.One of the files he comes across in the computer's recycle bin is named "Gross Baltimore People." When a woman tells Murr she's from Baltimore, he replies, "So you know what I'm talking about." While this was funny at the time, the Baltimore riots in 2015 made this moment somewhat cringeworthy. In the Season 2 episode "Cyber Buddies", Murr's punishment involves hosting a computer cleanliness seminar.Not only did they film an episode there, but the Brits also have their own version, appropriately titled Impractical Jokers UK. Germans Love David Hasselhoff: The show has a huge following in the UK.

The "Inside Jokes" airing of the episode revealed that the Jokers decided to punish only Murr because they wanted to exploit his fear of heights.So yeah, Rule of Funny overrides all other rules in their logic. Given that the "Water Torture" episode just made Sal the loser of the episode so they could come up with the punishment on the fly, it could be possible that a situation like that happened in reverse where Joe and Murr were originally gonna be punished together, but something happened (probably Joe's brother getting in like mentioned above) that couldn't be altered so they decided to just say "Welp guess it's just Murr that's just getting punished, then!" Q also mentioned in the "Water Torture" episode "What are you talking about? We make the rules!" when questioned if they could do that.Then why didn't they wait for a Murr-only punishment to do that?!.Wild Mass Guessing: It was only a couple episodes after the one where Murr groped Joe's sister's butt for a gag, and considering that Joe's sister's husband wasn't pleased in the slightest, the guys probably did him a favor and let them beat on Murr the next time he lost, and seeing of Joe was the other one who lost, it would seem kind of illogical, even for the shows standards, to have his brother-in-law beat him up because he is angry for Murr groping his wife.Kind of hard to complain about unfair treatment if you were expecting to be the beneficiary of it. So, logically they BOTH should have received punishments! However, it's worth mentioning that in the introduction to the punishment, it's clearly evident that Murr thinks that Joe is going to be the only one punished, which suggests that Sal and Q were likely misleading him into thinking this, and that he had no evident objection to it. Fridge Logic: In one episode BOTH Joe and Murr lost.but only Murr got punished! Why didn't Joe get punished? The rules are if you lose the most challenges, you get punished, and it was a tie.So it ends up looking more like Fanservice. Fans Prefer the New Her: Murr having to be oiled up like a bodybuilder and walk around in a speedo is intended as a Fan Disservice.except he's in much better shape than the show tries to frame, and the treatment he gets is used to enhance muscles on camera.In one punishment, Sal has to walk through a sewer and encounters " Middle-Aged Karate Tortoise." This has absolutely nothing to do with the zombie apocalypse Sal is on his way to.Big-Lipped Alligator Moment: During one of the White Castle challenges, Q, Murr and Joe had someone put on a full-sized cat costume to scare Sal (who hates cats) out of the store and chase him around the parking lot.Q has been losing more episodes as of Season 5, which sticks out because prior to that, he had lost the fewest episodes of the four.In his punishment, Joe prepared to wrestle with a sumo, but ran away in terror when the fight begins. Not only does he back out on subjects regarding his wife, but he also has a fear of sumo wrestlers. One challenge (which happened shortly after his wedding) required him to insult his wife, which he flat out declined to do, while the old Joe would've been perfectly fine with insulting his metaphorical wife. Joe is arguably more tame since he got married.